This is long over due. Here is a sneak peek.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
22. A little more

Some of you may remember this well lubed item from post 18, well it looks a bit different now. In a never ending bid to clean this bike up, I was at it again. Scrub, glop, wipe, rinse......
Of course the bearing needed to come off, so out came the cutting wheel. Being very careful, so as not to damage anything I cut off the bearing and race. Next, masked off the bits that didn't need to be painted and proceeded to squirt some black.
Much cleaner and ready for paint.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
21. Braking News
How time has flown by, nearly four months have past since the last post. As is the case I am far behind on these posting versus actual work that has been done.
If one looks back at posts 14 and 15, wheel work can be observed; this post is a bit of a catch up on those.
Look closely at the rotor mounting, the hub and rotor don't match up, not to mention there were two bolts holding the works together. The only saving grace was that there was an absence of a front braking system. No chance to snap of those two bolts under braking and find the inside of the picker bushes. I just get shivers looking at that thing in such a state.
As always the rust gremlins have danced upon the disc, and as anyone who has read past posts knows, those gremlins haven't missed much on this project.
Turns out that is a rear brake rotor, fitted so beautifully to the front, so as I ripped apart the front wheel that thing had to go. Which meant I need a replacement. I wanted to try the wave style rotor, but didn't want to drop hundreds of dollars on one. I was able to cash in a few of my frequent buyer points and got a good deal on what I was looking for.
The new "Typhoon", just hope it works.
Looks like it should fit.
Put some thread lock on and use my calibrated elbow to torque those suckers in.
Perfect fit, and if you notice I used grade 12.9, a torque guide can be found here
So far so good, of course the real test is yet to come.
If one looks back at posts 14 and 15, wheel work can be observed; this post is a bit of a catch up on those.
As always the rust gremlins have danced upon the disc, and as anyone who has read past posts knows, those gremlins haven't missed much on this project.
Turns out that is a rear brake rotor, fitted so beautifully to the front, so as I ripped apart the front wheel that thing had to go. Which meant I need a replacement. I wanted to try the wave style rotor, but didn't want to drop hundreds of dollars on one. I was able to cash in a few of my frequent buyer points and got a good deal on what I was looking for.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
20. Not shocked, Linked in.
After spending the summer buried in three different history texts and writing over one hundred pages reporting on those books I did not feel the drive to write here. But with a few days off I have brought myself back to the keyboard to expose some of the KXProject happenings.
Two posts ago I began to tackle the shock and linkage, in this post I wash off all that dirt and rust and begin pulling bits apart.
Obviously the first task at hand was to bathe everything, I didn't get to take pictures of the bath scene because everyone was too shy to pose in such a state. After drying out I dove into the dismantle, and each time I do so I am amazed more than the last time as to the total lack of care and maintenance the past owners bestowed upon this bike.
The linkage arm:
As is and was the case with all bearings on the KX these were knackered, thus they had to come out and new put back in. I made the rounds of the local shops just to get an idea of what pressing the old ones out would run me. The cheapest I came up with was 25$ per bearing, ppffftt. In this economy, right. How do those guys stay in business?
So I created a press for a grand total of $0. A neighbor had some threaded rod, nuts and washers laying around which he kindly donated to the cause. I scrounged around a few local scrap piles and came up with a "receiver" and pulled out my impact sockets to play the part of "presser". I also pulled out the mini torch to add just a hint of heat if needed.
Here is the basic setup: Run a nut up a bit on the left side of the threaded rod, then a 3/4 or so flat washer then a larger fender washer that is a touch larger than the receiver tube, place the receiver onto the rod upto the washers. Place the rod through the bearings to be removed. Next find a corresponding sized socket, just a bit smaller than the bore, but a large enough to positively engage the bearing. Slide that onto the rod on the right side of the arm follow by another set of proper washers and another nut. Snug up this contraption making sure to keep all straight so as not to cause any jamming. Perhaps a little oil and heat, I used both and those suckers slid like butter.
Pressing away.
Two down one to go.
Ah crap.
Wonder if those boys noticed any catching in the suspension when cruising over the bumps.
I would like to say these fell out, but they didn't.
With the bearings pressed out I turned my attention to the shock once again.
Unsprung. Prebath.
Ready for primer.
Primed and painted.
More fun next time.
Two posts ago I began to tackle the shock and linkage, in this post I wash off all that dirt and rust and begin pulling bits apart.
Obviously the first task at hand was to bathe everything, I didn't get to take pictures of the bath scene because everyone was too shy to pose in such a state. After drying out I dove into the dismantle, and each time I do so I am amazed more than the last time as to the total lack of care and maintenance the past owners bestowed upon this bike.
The linkage arm:
So I created a press for a grand total of $0. A neighbor had some threaded rod, nuts and washers laying around which he kindly donated to the cause. I scrounged around a few local scrap piles and came up with a "receiver" and pulled out my impact sockets to play the part of "presser". I also pulled out the mini torch to add just a hint of heat if needed.
With the bearings pressed out I turned my attention to the shock once again.
More fun next time.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
19. Framed
I have been busy with college, I have 13 weeks of classes crammed into 8, phew. But the project continues to move along, slow and steady. I had to hold of this Saturday as I 'had' to attended the AMA National at Washougal. Snapped a few pics, and as it was retro weekend I retroed it up with a film camera, no fancy digital camera, so it's off to the developers tomorrow. They vintage 2 strokes were on hand for a few laps, talk about slow and steady, well slow anyway. I still love the 2 strokes though.
As can be guessed by anyone who has "followed" my progress, as slow and sporadic as it has been, would correctly assume that the entire machine has been entirely stripped. So a few photos to prove the point.
Having fun.
Almost bare naked.
The rear master cylinder screws were rusted solid, had to drill them out. No surprise really.
Can't wait until I get to the rusty bits.
Workshop number one. I also have some tomatoes and peppers growing off to the right.
Freshly peeled.
Rust-o-leum self etching primer laid down.
Ready for the green.
Lookin' better.
Some detail.
After all this work, I will be afraid to ride it for fear of scratching it.
But, why build it if I am not going to ride it? No, as one of the first post says this bike will be for riding.
Now it really feels like progress.
As can be guessed by anyone who has "followed" my progress, as slow and sporadic as it has been, would correctly assume that the entire machine has been entirely stripped. So a few photos to prove the point.

Now it really feels like progress.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
18. Shocked
As mentioned in the last post work has not ceased, it did slow down, and I find myself quite a bit behind in updates versus work that has actually been done.
I should have been shocked, but I wasn't. The state in which I found the shock, linkage and swing arm was appalling. When I pulled the pivot bolt rust and a few needle bearings fell to the floor.
One side benefit from working on such equipment is that your hands do not become oil and grease soaked. A quick and simple rinse with hot water and soap cleans the hands right up, no need for brushes and repeated scrubbing. One disadvantage is trying to remove all the frozen bearing parts and related bits. A few grunts and some grumbling later the swing arm was off.
See what I mean, rust.
This is just the way it came out of the bike.
One thing that astonishes me is the lack of lube where it is needed, and the overuse where it is not. Take the following for example, sure some did make it to the bearings, a paste thickened with sand. But why an all encompassing mass is needed around the stem bolt is beyond me.
This was fun to clean.
The same story holds true for the swing arm, I was unable to find any lube internally, it seems lubrication was for the external bits only.
DIRT bike.-------->
My hands looked like prunes after all the cleaning.
Just think of all the new bearings I will have when finished.
I do this for fun, and it is.
I may have spoke too soon earlier, my hands got plenty dirty fiddlin' with this stuff. I did need more than soap and water.
Ah, nothing shocks me on this project anymore.
See how things look when cleaned, refurbished and painted in the next installment.
I should have been shocked, but I wasn't. The state in which I found the shock, linkage and swing arm was appalling. When I pulled the pivot bolt rust and a few needle bearings fell to the floor.
One side benefit from working on such equipment is that your hands do not become oil and grease soaked. A quick and simple rinse with hot water and soap cleans the hands right up, no need for brushes and repeated scrubbing. One disadvantage is trying to remove all the frozen bearing parts and related bits. A few grunts and some grumbling later the swing arm was off.

This is just the way it came out of the bike.
One thing that astonishes me is the lack of lube where it is needed, and the overuse where it is not. Take the following for example, sure some did make it to the bearings, a paste thickened with sand. But why an all encompassing mass is needed around the stem bolt is beyond me.

The same story holds true for the swing arm, I was unable to find any lube internally, it seems lubrication was for the external bits only.

I may have spoke too soon earlier, my hands got plenty dirty fiddlin' with this stuff. I did need more than soap and water.
Ah, nothing shocks me on this project anymore.
See how things look when cleaned, refurbished and painted in the next installment.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
17. Were was I? How's the Project?
Well, well, has been so long since I have written any tidbits of info in the bloggisphere. I must provide an update and say thanks as some donations have rolled in. Let's get to it.
I want to keep this blog about the bike, not about my personal life, all I will go into here is that I am working on an Associates degree. Funny how the posts ceased at about the same time I entered the program. That is not to say I also ceased working on the KXProject, the pace did slow to a crawl, yet some things did get done. Sandblasting took place, dirty hands, and an accursed set of swing arm bearings had to be dealt with. Cleaning, priming and painting of a few items took place as well. All of these edge of your seat stories will be posted here in short order. I do NOT get the summer off, but I do have fewer hours of classes, so hoping to ramp up the project proportionately.
I was also reintroduced to my long lost love. Wow, is she hot, even after all those long years apart, ten years since our last meeting. I even got dressed up for the occasion, and I must say I felt a bit awkward the first 30 minutes or so, stumbling and fumbling so as not to look the fool. After an hour or so though, I was wearing a huge dumb grin across my face, remembering how beautiful it all used to be, and was sure to be again.
After that first weekend together again, in April, we met two more times, but alas, I think we will be apart for a few months, at least until autumn at the earliest. Oh, well, a few months is not to long after nothing for a decade. I just wanna say "thanks for showing up again". Snowboarding, I'm back. Just don't break any of my bones.
Yes, snowboarding and the siren song of the mountains have pulled me back into their clutches, but I think I can put up with that.
That is plenty of information about non KX stuff, you don't need any more.
Onto donations, I have been finding out that the little button in the upper right hand side corner works. I must say thank you for the donations, and yes a little goes a long way on this project. Thanks again.
I will start to post project reports again, so after a bit of a hiatus, I'm back.
I want to keep this blog about the bike, not about my personal life, all I will go into here is that I am working on an Associates degree. Funny how the posts ceased at about the same time I entered the program. That is not to say I also ceased working on the KXProject, the pace did slow to a crawl, yet some things did get done. Sandblasting took place, dirty hands, and an accursed set of swing arm bearings had to be dealt with. Cleaning, priming and painting of a few items took place as well. All of these edge of your seat stories will be posted here in short order. I do NOT get the summer off, but I do have fewer hours of classes, so hoping to ramp up the project proportionately.
I was also reintroduced to my long lost love. Wow, is she hot, even after all those long years apart, ten years since our last meeting. I even got dressed up for the occasion, and I must say I felt a bit awkward the first 30 minutes or so, stumbling and fumbling so as not to look the fool. After an hour or so though, I was wearing a huge dumb grin across my face, remembering how beautiful it all used to be, and was sure to be again.
After that first weekend together again, in April, we met two more times, but alas, I think we will be apart for a few months, at least until autumn at the earliest. Oh, well, a few months is not to long after nothing for a decade. I just wanna say "thanks for showing up again". Snowboarding, I'm back. Just don't break any of my bones.
Yes, snowboarding and the siren song of the mountains have pulled me back into their clutches, but I think I can put up with that.
That is plenty of information about non KX stuff, you don't need any more.
Onto donations, I have been finding out that the little button in the upper right hand side corner works. I must say thank you for the donations, and yes a little goes a long way on this project. Thanks again.
I will start to post project reports again, so after a bit of a hiatus, I'm back.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
16. What's goin' on?
Many things goin' on, and have found that time slips by so quickly. Haven't updated the KX project since March 8th, but that does not mean no work has taken place. Actually, quite a few things have gotten done while catching up on the SX series over the weekends.
For example, one of the local shops held a sorta' tent sale, I was instructed to be there early as a line begins to form at around 8 am. I showed up and found myself fifth in line, waited for an hour to pass and the doors to open, when they did the masses poured in. I will be honest, prices where low, if you wanted selected youth or outdated clothing, energy drink emblazoned paraphernalia, or cheap Chinese riding gear. Ah, what a huge disappointment, not one single hard part to be found, no wait, I did find Renthal unbreakable levers for $30. I made a dash to the vendor.
"Show me the Renthals please."
"We don't carry Renthal, but we do have these, they are the pioneer of the unbreakable lever."
"These" turned out to be something that looked like they came off of my dad's 1967 Triumph, aside from the fact that they had some strange geared, levered knuckle joint so as to be unbreakable. Over this u-joint was a strip of dry rotted old inner tube. No self respecting rider would mount this crap to his bike.
"Isn't that false advertising, saying Renthal levers and you don't have them?"
"No, it is the only banner I have, and I do sell levers for $30. You want one or what?"
"No thanks."
The whole "sale" was really a joke I think, much like the dealers themselves. Walking into a dealership these days is like walking into an 'Old Navy' or 'Gap' for "bikers". An avalanche of clothing spills out as one enters these new cycle emporiums, all walks of the bike world are not immune. Fifteen years ago when I worked at a dealer we had hard parts galore, ones you could touch and fondle before buying. I walked into that same dealer not long ago and couldn't find part one while shoveling H-D vests and pants out of the way. Same goes for the sport bike crowd and the MX as well. I want to see parts, and things I can bolt on that will make my ride lighter, faster, and more aesthetically pleasing, "Rockhard" and "Mobster" energy drink underwear ain't cuttin' it for me.
So, when another dealer was to hold a similar sale I growned and prepared for another dismal showing. But, to my surprise and joy, 85 percent of the sale was hard parts, and lots of um. The prices where excellent too.
The KX project has a number of items on the "replace" list, and I hoped to tick a few off. I spied boxes of green plastics, but what were the chances of finding 1989 KX plastics, 100 percent none I found out. I was prepared for this though, and after digging into a number of crates full of body work I came out with something I needed. A 2001 KX 125 Polisport front fender, and yes it works. A little further prospecting and up came some Maier fork/brake gaurds, these being from a '89 KDX 250, yes they do match up perfectly to my 125er.
Ten bucks, perfect.
No holes, how do I attach it?
Start measuring.
I think I have seen that pick before.
Measure once, drill twice.
Looks right.
Start drilling already.
There they are.
Don't use the largest bit first, start small.
Measure the grommet and drill hole to match.
Hope it works.
And for all you smarties, I do know which way the grommets go, see next photo.
That will do.
For those of you who noticed the donate button, I had hoped to race the KX project this year, but alas, it seems my hopes have been dashed. Unemployment does not agree with spending money on the project, I would rather eat and live, but I still want to race. So if any of you feel like helping out, a little in the pot goes along way. This is a budget racer remember, thanks.
Next time, maybe some more painting or cleaning, it all needs to be done.
For example, one of the local shops held a sorta' tent sale, I was instructed to be there early as a line begins to form at around 8 am. I showed up and found myself fifth in line, waited for an hour to pass and the doors to open, when they did the masses poured in. I will be honest, prices where low, if you wanted selected youth or outdated clothing, energy drink emblazoned paraphernalia, or cheap Chinese riding gear. Ah, what a huge disappointment, not one single hard part to be found, no wait, I did find Renthal unbreakable levers for $30. I made a dash to the vendor.
"Show me the Renthals please."
"We don't carry Renthal, but we do have these, they are the pioneer of the unbreakable lever."
"These" turned out to be something that looked like they came off of my dad's 1967 Triumph, aside from the fact that they had some strange geared, levered knuckle joint so as to be unbreakable. Over this u-joint was a strip of dry rotted old inner tube. No self respecting rider would mount this crap to his bike.
"Isn't that false advertising, saying Renthal levers and you don't have them?"
"No, it is the only banner I have, and I do sell levers for $30. You want one or what?"
"No thanks."
The whole "sale" was really a joke I think, much like the dealers themselves. Walking into a dealership these days is like walking into an 'Old Navy' or 'Gap' for "bikers". An avalanche of clothing spills out as one enters these new cycle emporiums, all walks of the bike world are not immune. Fifteen years ago when I worked at a dealer we had hard parts galore, ones you could touch and fondle before buying. I walked into that same dealer not long ago and couldn't find part one while shoveling H-D vests and pants out of the way. Same goes for the sport bike crowd and the MX as well. I want to see parts, and things I can bolt on that will make my ride lighter, faster, and more aesthetically pleasing, "Rockhard" and "Mobster" energy drink underwear ain't cuttin' it for me.
So, when another dealer was to hold a similar sale I growned and prepared for another dismal showing. But, to my surprise and joy, 85 percent of the sale was hard parts, and lots of um. The prices where excellent too.
The KX project has a number of items on the "replace" list, and I hoped to tick a few off. I spied boxes of green plastics, but what were the chances of finding 1989 KX plastics, 100 percent none I found out. I was prepared for this though, and after digging into a number of crates full of body work I came out with something I needed. A 2001 KX 125 Polisport front fender, and yes it works. A little further prospecting and up came some Maier fork/brake gaurds, these being from a '89 KDX 250, yes they do match up perfectly to my 125er.

Measure the grommet and drill hole to match.

For those of you who noticed the donate button, I had hoped to race the KX project this year, but alas, it seems my hopes have been dashed. Unemployment does not agree with spending money on the project, I would rather eat and live, but I still want to race. So if any of you feel like helping out, a little in the pot goes along way. This is a budget racer remember, thanks.
Next time, maybe some more painting or cleaning, it all needs to be done.
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